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Make a payment

How can I make a payment?

The payment process is triggered when we click on the Zenkipay payment button. ZenkiPay payment button

When the botton is clicked, the following payment window will be displayed.

We request your email, so we can send you updates about your purchase.


Here you can select the cryptocurrency you want to pay with, if you are making a payment that is not productive, this selection is made automatically.

Select the crypto

Select your crypto wallet.

MetaMask installation

  • In case you do not have MetaMask installed, here you can check the guide for its installation.


METAMASK: At this Wallet selection step, if you already have the extension (MetaMask) installed in your browser, it will be opened automatically, and you have to confirm the payment there.

Confirm payment

You also have the option to pay with QR.


If you wish to make the payment with the QR method, the following screen will be displayed. With your cell phone, scan the QR, the MetaMask App opens automatically, and proceed to confirm the payment.


Once you confirmed the payment in MetaMask, the modal will be shown like this.

In process

Finally, when the payment is completed, this screen will be displayed and you can close the modal.

Pago completado

Go back to the integration process according to your integration mode:

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