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Getting started

What is Zenkipay?

Zenkipay is a cryptocurrency payment gateway, it allows businesses to receive payments on their e-commerce portals. Unlike other platforms, Zenkipay ensures customer satisfaction through its escrow process (delivered product and expected quality) to settle the payment to the merchant, thus avoiding the loss of customer assets due to online scams.

How does it work?

Zenkipay works like a traditional payment processor, with the purpose to receive payments in digital currencies and convert them into stable coins - if so - on behalf of merchants that have opened accounts with Zenkipay.

A Shopper makes a purchase, paying in crypto. Zenkipay receives the digital currency and if Merchant configure to convert them to Stable Coin, Zenkipay converts them, if not, the Merchant receives the amount in the crypto paying from Shopper, based on what the cryptocurrency’s market value is at the time. Then, once the ESCROW has been completed, the value of transferred to the Zenkipay merchant’s wallet account. From there, the Stable coin or Crypto Currency can be transferred to a designated Merchant Wallet address.

Zenkipay ensures that every merchant can offer crypto payment options to its customers, without ever having to deal with current cryptocurrencies or assets.

How can I start accepting cryptocurrencies payments?

It’s a piece of cake, just create an account in Zenkipay and start your Site Integration, depends on your technology e-commerce site we recommend to you the best approach for integration. Also, you may decide another kind of integration supported by us.