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Pay with Zenkipay

To pay with Zenkipay from the payment page of an e-commerce you must:

  1. Select as payment option Zenki.

  2. Enter your email address.

    It is important that you provide us with your email address to send you updates on the status of your purchases and allow you to make clarifications with the merchant in case you do not receive your purchase or are not satisfied with the quality of your products.


    ℹ️ Your email address is not shared with third parties.

  3. Select the cryptocurrency with which you want to make your payment.

    ⚠️ Make sure that the currency with which you want to make the payment corresponds to the cryptocurrency of your wallet (since a currency can be available in different blockchains).


  4. Pay from your cryptocurrency wallet.

    Zenkipay supports over 100 different cryptocurrency wallets! To pay with your cryptocurrency wallet:

    Select the wallet from the list that is shown on the screen. Depending on your wallet, we will ask you to scan a QR code from your wallet or in the case of wallets compatible with your computer (as in the case of Ledger) we will open the application from your browser.


    To pay with a QR code

    If your wallet is not shown in the list above, don’t worry! scan our generic QR code to make your payment.


    ✅ You can also copy and paste the payment amount and address from our modal into your wallet to make the payment. Make sure the amount and destination address are correct.

  5. Receive confirmation of payment and delivery

    We will notify you by email when your payment has been successfully received and when the merchant confirms that your product or service has been delivered.


When can I close the payment window?

Depending on the technology used by the merchant, you may or may not close the payment window, according to the following message:

  1. You can close the payment window.


    In this case you do not have to wait, you can close the payment window as soon as you have made the payment from your cryptocurrency wallet.

  2. Please do not close the payment window.


    In this case you will have to wait until the window shows the confirmation of your payment.

Where can I view the status of my purchases?

Access the page https://www.zenki.fi/shopper/ and click on the “Check your purchases here” button.


We will ask you to enter the email address you captured during your purchase:


Then, we will send you a one-time access code to your email:


Enter your code on the screen:


Finally, you can consult the list of your orders and their details by clicking on any of them:


Where can I make a claim?

You can do it from our Zenki shopper portal. Entering it as shown above.

How long to make a claim?

Depending on the merchant, you have a minimum of 24 hours to make a claim after receiving the notification of delivery of your product or service.