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Guide for merchants


How do I know I have an open dispute?

You will receive an email notifying you that a shopper has a problem with their purchase order or by consulting the “Disputes” section within the platform.

The following details correspond to the content of the notification:

  • Dear Merchant: The shopper has a problem with an order.
  • Reason: The reason why the shopper has a problem with his purchase is indicated.
  • Description: The shopper gives a more detailed explanation as to why he opened a new dispute.
  • Order details: Displays the order data.

Email new dispute

Where are they located?

To view a dispute do the following:

  1. Login: We enter the Zenki portal with your access credentials, once we enter the platform in the dashboard section we select disputes.

Disputes Menu

  1. Dispute Dashboard: When entering the dispute section you could have two views:
  • When there are no open disputes: A view like the following is displayed.

No disputes on the board

  • When there are open disputes: A view like the following is displayed.

Disputes on the board

Where can I check the status of the order with an open dispute?

To check the status of a dispute, follow the instructions below:

  1. Disputes Section: Navigate to the “Open disputes” card which is located on the right side of the Total transactions” card, or you can do it from the ZENKIPAY side menu -> Dashboard -> Disputes.
  2. Search: Apply a filter with the shopper’s email (with this email you will be able to follow up on the dispute) and immediately you will see the record with the status Open dispute.

Order status

  1. Detail: Apply a “click” on the disputes log to view the detail.

Transactions table The order detail will provide you with additional information in order to address the dispute opened by the buyer. The order status will be changed to “Open Dispute” status. Zenkipay offers you a communication channel between the merchant, the buyer and Zenkipay Staff via chat. Order detail

At all times, the Zenkipay Staff will be aware of the dispute updates, with this we ensure that the resolution is successful.

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