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Guide for Zenkipay Staff


Where are they located?

To view a dispute do the following:

  1. Login: Enter the Zenki portal with your access credentials, once you entered to the platform in the ZENKIPAY menu, in the Dashboard section select Disputes.


  1. Dispute Dashboard: When entering the disputes section you will be able to view the list with all Open Disputes:


  1. Detail: “Click” on the disputes log to view the detail.


In this section, the reason and evidences of why a dispute was opened are located.
A section of “Messages” is shown, in which there will be a history of the “chat” between those involved for a better communication and dispute resolution.


Resolution in favor of the shopper: In this section, the operator who is carrying out the follow-up will carry out a refund to the shopper, for the amount previously calculated. With the options to notify the “shopper” and the “merchant” involved in the dispute.


Resolution in favor of the merchant: In this section, the operator that is carrying out the follow-up will resolve the dispute. in favor of the merchant, releasing the amount for the total purchase. With the options to notify the “shopper” and the “merchant” involved in the dispute.


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